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GSO Presents to the United Nations and WHO for Universal Human Trafficking Policy & Protocol

After 4 long years, which included a global pandemic, we see the completion of the GSO Research Study Results, as well as the creation of a global Human Trafficking Policy & Protocol for Healthcare Providers worldwide which was submitted to the World Heath Organization for adoption and implementation. Watch the event here.

This initiative is led by our Global Ambassador (pictured), Deb O'Hara Rusckowski, and her incredible team of clinicians, survivor leaders and researchers. Dr. Ahmed Al Meraikhi, Senior Advisor to UN Secretary-General, has accepted the Policy & Protocol on behalf of the World Health Organization and has confirmed that Dr. Tedros, Director-General of WHO, is now reviewing the Policy! This is a first-of-its-kind proposal which will systemically transform the entire healthcare provider industry's response to survivors.

Click here to view the full concept note.

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