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An Update on Our Work to Eradicate Human Trafficking

Updated: Mar 9, 2024

Here’s What’s Happening...

After convening a meeting at the UN with leaders in the field of combating human trafficking on November 9, 2019, we’ve been working hard establishing a new group called ‘Global Strategic Operatives for the Eradication of Human Trafficking‘. Recognizing all the great work that has been done in the fight against human trafficking, we knew we needed to focus to be successful. Therefore, based on the feedback from the November event, and the evidence that up to 88-92% of survivors seek medical care/treatment while being trafficked, we decided to choose to focus on the healthcare sector.

We are now embarking on a global project with large healthcare IDNs, Integrated Delivery Networks, here in the US.  Other international sites, including Ireland, UK, SE Asia, Africa, India and Afghanistan will be involved later on a rolling basis as resources allow. 

Each site will be trained on an evidence-based, validated training program and asked to use specific tools to establish a policy within their own institution.

During this time, each site will establish relationships with their respective local law enforcement and Homeland Security agents. Our goal and purpose is to request the World Health Organization, WHO, to establish a “universal policy” on human trafficking for healthcare providers to implement and disseminate worldwide.

Our hope that this initial healthcare sector project will provide a model from which to involve other sectors, i.e. business, law enforcement, hospitality, educational systems, etc., in similar initiatives.

Stay tuned for updates on progress and news!

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