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The O’Connell House

is a 13-room residence which provides comprehensive services to women who have been sex trafficked. These women may be pregnant and/or have a small child. It is a place where dignity will be restored and healing can occur.

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Refuge of Light

is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a specialized safe home for survivors of sex trafficking that provides physical, mental, and spiritual healing in the lives of victimized girls 10 - 17 years old in the U.S.

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Good Counsel

recognizes the dignity of God-given life from the moment of conception, fostering a nurturing, safe family environment, encouraging self-respect and independence for pregnant mothers and their children in a diverse community of all faiths and beliefs. 


Metanoia Manor

was founded in 2018 by Fr. Jeffery Bayhi and is a faith-based residential facility. This programs offers a place of refuge to female adolescent victims of human trafficking, in which to heal physically and mentally.

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Bloom For Women

 provides a sanctuary and a continuum of care to heal, empower and employ women survivors of sex trafficking.

Thistle Farms

Helping women survivors overcome and heal from systems of prostitution and exploitation.

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