Jasmine Grace
As a survivor of sex trafficking and drug addiction, Jasmine is an effective keynote speaker, panel participant and facilitator for trainings, workshops and groups. She has spoken on panels at the U.S Commission on Civil Rights in New Hampshire and at two side panels for members of the United Nations in New York. In addition, Jasmine consults with healthcare professionals, law enforcement personnel, educators and nonprofit organizations. She advises on issues such as safe homes, program growth, curriculum development, survivor support and peer mentorship. She is Founder and Director of Bags of Hope Ministries, and Author of The Diary of Jasmine Grace. Trafficked. Recovered. Redeemed. Visit to learn more about her organization and leadership in the anti-sex trafficking movement.

Jenna Mckaye
Jenna Mckaye is a survivor of human trafficking with an incredible life story she now shares through advocacy groups throughout the US. McKaye's extraordinary journey offers hope that inspires others through education and training. She continues to train hospital staff, law enforcement and other professionals how to identify victims of sex trafficking and labor trafficking and respond with victim centered care. Her personable keynote speaking engagements leave a notable impression among a variety of audience demographics including the United Nations. In 2016, Jenna started the Jenna McKaye Foundation to engage in a broader advocacy training model. Visit for upcoming news/events and details on her soon to be published book.

Donna Lynne Hubbard
Donna Hubbard is firstborn child of the late author and Community Arts Activist Nayo Watkins and Charles “Charlie” Hubbard. After being gang raped her life became a series of abandonment, abuse, addiction, gang crime, exploitation, and violence. She was sold to a pimp, trafficked and finally became gang property. Donna served a total of 10 years in and out of jails and prisons. Donnas’ commitment to serve God prompted complete surrender to a greater destiny and purpose. Paroled in 1993 to Atlanta, Georgia she founded the Woman at the Well Transition Center: “Our Mission is to assist incarcerated, formerly incarcerated women and women and girls impacted by the criminal justice system and human trafficking, to regain their lives, their families and their dignity. Under her direction WATWTC provides training, counseling, and direct services to women and girls, including street intervention with trafficked girls and women, relapse prevention and employment readiness. WATWTC has provided services and training to 6000+ women and girls. She has served as a Human Trafficking and Reentry consultant at the county, city, state and national level in various positions with government and non-governmental agencies including:
*City of Atlanta, GA
*National Office of Women's Health addressing trauma impact on women.
* Fulton County Community Court,
* Fulton County Office on Juvenile Justice,
* Georgia Department of Corrections.
* 2017 AVSEC Conference - Dubai
Donna has presented with Airline Ambassadors International as a Certified Human Trafficking Awareness Trainer and has facilitated trainings in Hungary, Qatar, Korea, and Asia. Donna is employed as a Flight Attendant for American Airlines. She earned her BS in Theological Studies and her MS in Christian Counseling at PCIE Seminary Program, Los Angeles, CA. Donna’s proudest of her role as mother of 7 daughters and 1 son, 12 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

Connie Rose
Connie Rose is the founder and executive director of Victims2Survivors-US, a survivor - led non-profit organization focused on eradicating human trafficking and “Filling The Gap” by providing supportive survivor services. Victims2Survivors-US takes a community approach to addressing this social and public health crisis. The creator of “Community Conversations to Eliminate Human Trafficking” ,”Get Help, Get Out” Post It Note Campaign a survivor led movement bringing together stake holders in communities to start the conversation and work together in a collaborative incubator. She is a sexual abuse, sex trafficking, exploitation and domestic violence expert, a veteran of the TEDx stage “What Can You Learn From A Rubber Band?”
Testifying before local, state and national government where she continues to campaign for legislative change, fighting to create a global awareness of victims centered crimes.
Connie is a woman on a mission breaking the silence one voice at a time, drawing on her personal journey of over 16 years of childhood sexual abuse, sexual exploitation at the hands of a serial sex offender father who was also her pimp.
Connie’s rare blend of style and substance has made her a highly regarded sought after international speaker, trainer and consultant. Bringing her years of experience to tens of thousands. She has worked extensively with a variety of healthcare providers, organizations, government and non-government agencies, law enforcement, corporations, colleges/universities and non-profits. Connie is currently a PhD student studying Leadership, ACE’s with a focus on Resiliency and Trauma Informed Care. She is a powerful symbol of hope help and healing.