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Championing the eradication of human trafficking through healthcare education.


Following an event, ‘Practical Solutions to Eradicating Human Trafficking’ held at the United Nations on November 9, 2018, a high-level group was formed. This group embodies the passion, experience and commitment required to achieve the goal of eradicating all forms of human trafficking worldwide. The following is our focus: pull together trafficking experts, organizations, and survivors to synergistically take innovative approaches to achieve our vision of global human trafficking eradication, sector by sector, beginning with the healthcare sector. Pioneering evidence-based trainings in this industry is paramount in eradicating this crime altogether and engages men and women on the front lines and in executive leadership in the medical field. 

Click here to view a listing of all of our collaborative partners.

More About Us


The Mission of Global Strategic Operatives, GSO, is to train healthcare providers worldwide---throughout their healthcare system (Emergency Dept., Med-Surg, OBGyn, L&D, Psych/Mental Health, Social Work and all ancillary departments, i.e. Security, Registration Depts, Etc.) The purpose of the training is twofold---first, to train to identify potential trafficking victims; and second, to take appropriate action.


To have a world where any victim entering any part of a healthcare system (Hospital ED, Out-Patient Clinic, ancillary clinical departments) will be clearly identified by educated providers, treated respectfully, and offered alternative safe housing with therapeutic services to aid in their healing, restoring their dignity as they journey to becoming survivors and independent living.

We train healthcare professionals to save lives from modern day slavery.

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